
1. Objectives

2. Final grade

Minimal passing criteria

  1. minimum grade of 5 at the written graded paper
  2. minimum final grade of 5

If the final grade is less than 5 while at least one of the activities (written evaluations, practical tests) was absented, the final mark will be absent, and not failed. The final grade will be determined during the retake session.

3. Written test paper

The written test paper will take place during the last two weeks of school. Specific details on how the written test will take place will be communicated later.

4. Class activities

All activities require physical class participation. This is a full attendance, not a distance learning program.

According to the National Education Act (1/2011), the recording of didactical activity by any means is only possible by explicit agreement of the teaching person. Consequently, no recording of any didactical activity, by any means and on any support, is allowed.

The Teams class access code is cgeotu0.

The seminars and labs attendance sheet is available here. The identification code is the unique code from Academic Info.

5. Seminar activity

(1) Attendance at seminar activities is compulsory in proportion of 75% (minimum 5 seminars out of 7). The seminar attendance may be redone with another group inside the two weeks allocated to that seminar, with the explicit agreement of the seminar instructor.

(2) The students without minimum 5 attendances at seminar activities CANNOT participate to the written paper (during weeks 13-14 and during the resit session) and CANNOT get a passing grade.

6. Lab papers and grading

(1) The lab problem will be presented to the lab instructor through shared screen when required by the instructor. At that moment an extra request to change the code will be solved on the spot.

(2) Each lab paper is evaluated with a grade from 1 to 10 in the following way:

(3) A copied lab paper means cheating and will be graded with 0 (zero).

(4) If a lab paper is submitted with another lab subgroup inside the same two weeks frame, the lab grade is multiplied by 0.8; if the submission is delayed one lab, the lab grade is multiplied by 0.6; if the delay is larger than one lab, the final grade is 0 (zero).

7. Lab attendance and delivery rules

(1) Attendance at lab activities is compulsory in proportion of 90% (minimum 6 seminars out of 7).

(2) The lab attendance may be redone for at most one lab, during the two weeks allocated to that lab, with the explicit agreement of the lab instructor, but the lab doc is graded in the usual way, considering the delay penalty. In case of illness, the absence is justified to the lab instructor based on medical evidence only. Medical documentation will be provided with a maximum delay of one week after the missed event.

(3) The students without minimum 6 attendances at laboratory activities CANNOT participate to the written paper (during weeks 13-14 and during the resit session) and CANNOT get a passing grade.

(4) At most two lab themes may be delivered during one lab class. As well, the Prolog labs may be delivered until no later than ween 7/8.

(5) The lab grade will be determined as the average of the grades of all the lab works. If a lab doc is not delivered, its grade is 0.

8. Resit session

In the resit session the same grading algorithm will apply.

© Prof.dr. Horia F. Pop